About Me

Hi, I'm Abby and thank you for visiting Little House of Sun. I wanted to share a 'short' summary of where my healing journey and reclaiming of gifts began.
The Early Years:
I have always been an empath. Always felt my emotions and the emotions of other people and places strongly. As a child and teenager, I wasn't aware of how to manage, what I now know is clairsentience, in an empowering and healthy way. I was completely run by my emotions and the energy around me. I experienced episodes of low mood and anxiety. As a child, I also experienced other heightened senses such as clairaudience and clairvoyance but shut them down quickly out of fear.
In my early twenties, I started meditating and this was a complete game changer. The space that regular meditation gave me, allowed me to filter out what energy, thoughts and emotions were truly mine and what wasn't. As I deepened my practice I began quieting my mind completely and experiencing myself as the observer of thoughts, not the thoughts themselves. From here I started experiencing a connection to the world around me, I experienced myself melting into the air around me, I had no body, I was expansive and connected to everything. This was my first experience where I was consciousness and not contained by my physical body.
Working with subtle energies:
Fast forward a couple of years and one day a dear friend gave me some crystals for a birthday present. So I decided to meditate with them. I felt this subtle energy move through my arms and reach out for the crystals, intuitively and intelligently placing them where they were needed on my body. I thought that if this intelligent energy could move my hands, then maybe I could communicate with this energy by putting a pen in my hand. This was the start of what I now know as automatic writing.
This subtle energy that began in my hands then started presenting in my throat and I began speaking. It wasn't a conscious thought of what should I say. It was energy moving through my throat and I was allowing it. This is the point I started to freak out. All of the negative thoughts and questions came in. Is this really me? Am I just making this up? If I'm not talking then who is? I knew that the energy I was feeling and working with was helpful because it intuitively assisted my healing with crystals. I knew it wasn't me because the tone, the voice and the vocabulary used, weren't mine. I now know that this was the beginning of 'channelling' and whoever I was channelling was one of my guides.
I could have stopped here, none of this was 'normal', but how I felt when connecting to my guides, my higher self and crystals was such a euphoric and incredible feeling that I knew there was more to learn and witness. I started writing more and more. Getting to know my guides one by one. I would write questions in my notebook and they would answer, later moving to type as it was much easier, it was sometimes hard to make out the writing on reflection, due to the speed and intensity I would write at. I couldn't write for long at first because the difference in frequency would give me a headache. Much like attunements sometimes do. The information I received was always so conscience, profound, and activating, I just had to connect more.
It wasn't just human consciousness, connecting with spirit animals, angels, and ascended masters became a frequent interaction. This coincided with purchasing my first oracle deck- Keepers of the light by Karl Gray. Cards gave me a quick snapshot of guidance and intuition when the hustle and bustle of everyday life didn't lend itself to 'channelling'. Cards also gave me a focus and intent to connect with that specific being or energy. They became almost a telephone book for connecting(RIP telephone books).
As I was honing my practice of 'channelling' different consciousness, I became aware of the importance of protection and discerning the energies you interact with. I became aware the hard way. I needed a teacher Earthside to help give my practice more structure, assist with my healing beyond my current abilities and activate my gifts further. I also had come to the point where crystals had come more into the forefront and I felt drawn to knowing more. I connected with a wonderful crystal guardian, healer and wisdom keeper called Katie-Jane Wright. This took my connection to the planes of existence to a whole new level. Unlocking my voice further to hold frequencies of light (light language), reclaiming healing modality gifts, connecting with crystals in a whole new way, deepening my earthwork practices which started in lockdown, and building my confidence as a healer with equal and unique gifts to offer the world.

Earth healing:
The Earth healing started when we couldn't go outside. I would hold the intent to send healing to wherever in the world and whoever needed it at that time. Earth healing practices and connection to the inner earth kingdoms certainly enhanced tenfold and were a greater focus of my practice following completion of Level 1: Welcoming the New Earth Crystal Frequencies and Level 2: Crystal Temple with &Crystals.
With all these incredible and frankly miraculous experiences happening, synchronicity being a daily occurrence, I longed for a local community to share experiences and tips with. A friend of mine pointed me in the direction of a local spiritual and healing group and I connected with some special ladies in Guernsey, we now practice regular earth healing around Guernsey together.
This increased connection and trust in the universe that I had developed through my own practices, meant when a nudge came to look into Reiki, I followed it. Having never experienced Reiki before I signed up for my first degree (shoden level) Reiki course. This was a miraculous experience, a huge confirmation of what I had been experiencing, and gave my healing practices more structure. I practised almost daily, working with Reiki to unblock and recalibrate my chakra system and auric field. My gifts continued to unlock as I gave myself the space to heal.
Level 2 Reiki training (Oku Den) was divinely timed, a month before the first UK and Guernsey lockdowns. With my business as a Hand Therapist grinding to a standstill I had more time to practice, meditate and offer my services to others. Distance healing created a whole new world of possibilities and unlimited potential. Distance healing really is the epitome of the law of one, that we are all connected, there is no separation based on distance. This made complete sense to me and just expanded my healing with myself and others further. I thought of the energy I felt moving through me the first time I consciously connected to crystals, through meditation, and I knew that my natural skills of connecting to my higher self to help others to heal, could be worked with in this way also. So I worked with my higher self doing remote healing on friends and family. I would get specific information on where needed more attention and focus. It was almost a personal energy report. My higher self would guide me on what to do and how. The corroboration between what I experienced and what my clients experienced, strengthened my confidence.
I was drawn to deepening my Reiki practice further and felt guided to facilitate others in their rediscovery of the Reiki within and around them. So in November 2023 I completed Shinpiden Reiki master teacher training.
Sharing what I'd learnt and experienced:
Connecting with beings of light, communicating with my guides, and automatic writing became almost a daily occurrence. I started integrating practices into my everyday life. I recorded most of my 'channelling' and documented my experiences in my diary. I opened up more to friends and family about my experiences and what I had learned through these amazing interactions. Organically I started doing teaching sessions with my friends, where I would share what I had experienced and learned. I would also bring through messages from their higher selves and guides, through channelling and oracle card readings. I felt such joy from these interactions and knew this was something I wanted to do more of. As I was more open in talking about all things energy, more people started to connect with me. I started doing 1:1 teaching and healing sessions.

What my practice looks like now:
Reclaiming a soul fragment from Lemuria enabled me to remember and reclaim the use of toning through my voice to clear and recalibrate the chakra system. Now, 'channelling' is less frequent in my practice and life. As I have integrated more soul aspects of mine, that speak these different languages and possess specific skills or gifts, these abilities have solidified and I have greater sovereignty over my body. I now tap into different consciousness but don't fully allow other consciousness to temporarily speak or work through me. I am completely in my body. If I do allow light beings to be 'channelled' I now have a more stringent procedure for doing so.
My healing sessions are an amalgamation of my innate gifts and learnt practices. Before a session, I will connect with your higher self and bring through messages and guidance of where to focus and specific healing that needs to happen in the session. The session itself takes on the form of guided meditation with the interaction between myself and the client, with light language speaking directly to your soul. This format enables the client to be present and connected to the healing taking place. I am facilitating the healing and drawing their attention to where we need to focus. I work intuitively with light beings, spirit animals, elven beings, plants, crystals, star beings, and spirits guides. I also work with the etheric rays and flames which all hold different properties of light. In summary, I work intuitively with toning and light language in a guided interactive format to help the client connect with their intuition and healing ability.
What started as a way of managing my anxiety and emotions has led me through the most incredible and challenging journey to heal aspects of myself, reclaim gifts, and strengthen my confidence in my abilities. This is always an ongoing process but I know that now is the time to share my skills and what I have learned with those who seek it.