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Cycles of change


As I connected this morning to my heart's light, I was shown myself in my early twenties. Recognising her energy and obviously her appearance I could feel how different my energy is now to then. There was no judgment of her but I could feel her pain, confusion and fear for the future. For not being able to see how her life pans out. She desperately wanted a relationship and someone to share her life with. At the same time I felt this youthful energy. This freedom and the feeling of anything is possible, although the doubt of not truly believing it was still there. I just wanted to tell her that it was all going to be ok. Then I realised I could. I thought to myself ‘by freeing her and healing her, it wouldn’t change the past and the mind made suffering she experienced.’ Then I was nudged by my higher self that in fact healing my past self would release any residual restrictions of my mind and heal past wounds. It would unburden my past self and enable her to see all that she is. This would in turn have ripple effects through to my current self in the now.

Intuitively I started freeing her from these mental field distortions and limitations. I could see the clouds of distorted energy around her. She could not see her worth or potential because of the heavy densities around her. It made me emotional seeing her light within but the density around her and the doubt and self judgment this led to. As I cleared this energy around her, her light shone through and as we embraced I felt another version of myself appear. My inner child.

My inner child once more came with her own limitations but was generally more self assured and intuitive. She was more receptive to the mysteries of life and the infinite potential this Earth and life offers. However, I could see the beginnings of distractions and distortions from her light and her purpose forming. Once again I and my 20 year old self assisted my inner child to release these energies that were not serving her and took the form of emotions, feelings and projections that had started to ruminate and take root.

Once we were all clear, we were taken to the inner Earth kingdoms of Agartha where we bathed in the crystalline waters there. It was like plasma light, filled with the frequencies of different coloured rays and crystals. We received and welcomed this energy into our bodies and fields. The overwhelming feeling was gratitude. Gratitude for this life, for the obstacles we have overcome, the experiences we have had and the relationships and friendship we have made. This was a powerful process of healing past pain, loving myself at those points, as they have got me to where I am. Part of me wishes I knew then what I do now but it was not meant to be that way. Sometimes in life we need a catalyst, an event or person to push us to go within and reconnect with ourselves. To unlock our potential, our purpose and who we truly are.

This journey was a loving and joyful experience and I welcome you to do the same. Just hold the intention to connect with previous versions or aspects of yourself from this life and see what comes up. It feels especially important for people who are going through major life changes like moving house, new relationships, getting married or moving from maiden to mother. This journey helped me to have compassion and gratitude for myself and to also let go of any thoughts or limitations holding me back. Feel free to share your experiences below.

Love, Abby x


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