I could write for hours about this tree and my experience with her. She is the personification of the mother and gatekeeper to the void. Her role in anchoring the divine feminine on Earth is astonishing. She has been steadfast in her mission for over 700 years and needs assistance in clearing the grids and Earth around her to fully anchor. She can be found in Bayan in Tabanan region of Bali.
My experience with her happened on the 1st of July 2022, during our honeymoon in Bali. The preparation for connecting in person with the mother tree happened during the planning stages of our honeymoon, I was nudged very strongly to visit. The previous day we visited Tirta Empul and had the privilege to experience the process of sacred water cleansing practice and purification. What I now know is this was essential for the following connection with the mother tree to take place.
The morning of our visit to the mother tree, I connected with sulphur quartz and prepared. I was shown and told that the tree we were visiting is a direct portal/link to the inner Earth and the void. This tree so deeply embodies the divine feminine and links the cosmos to the Earth and the void. I was shown to ask for permission to connect with the mother tree by placing my third eye and hands on her. I would then be shown where to do my meditation. I was told by the sulphur quartz that both I and Euan (my husband) would be working on our joint Earthwork and soul mission, to help anchor specific codes from our star lineages to support the golden age of the Earth and we would also receive a blessing from the mother tree. I picked a card from the Earch Alchemy deck by Katie-Jane weight and Vicky Strange - ‘The Diamond Ray’. I knew this would be the frequency that we would be working with.

So when we arrived the energy was powerful but so loving, calming and grounding. There was a man at the entrance and we gave a donation. He didn’t say much more other than he hoped we enjoyed ourselves. We were the only ones there apart from a family and people that worked in the cafe that was on the grounds. Instantly you could see the love that surrounded her. Her branches were alive with birds, butterflies ants and other insects. Dragonflies were plenty in the nearby stream. It was an area truly brimming with life! We walked around the tree and found a place to ask for permission to connect and instantly I was guided to ask the guardians of the tree also for permission. It was so clear that the guardians of this tree were so present! We received a ‘yes’ and then looked around the tree to find the spot where I could connect the back of my heart to her, as I was instructed to.
As I connected and Euan held space, the messages and energy were really powerful and began to build. The mother tree explained that she is an important anchor point for Bali and the world. That she is helping the anchoring of feminine rays on Earth and bringing balance. She explained that the energy points that come off her are not all working to their optimum and therefore impacting the Earth grid and the unity grids. She requested assistance in clearing them in alignment with her mission.

My mind was nudged back to the card from that morning - diamond light (Planetary grid work). I was meant to look at the meaning before I arrived but as I was deep in the clearing process and calling in different star beings I was nudged to call in the diamond ray and move it through me, the mother tree and the grids around us. The diamond light moved through with such precision and I could feel and see it clearing through all points in the Earth that came from the mother tree. Areas in the land that had been blocked were related to battle and trauma. I felt the shift as we focused on transmuting and alchemising these frequencies. I cried when she expressed the pain she felt in being isolated and not being ‘seen’. She does not want pity as she knows why she is there and the importance. She holds strong to her truth and her mission. She embodies the law of one and spoke of this. But she was emotional about being seen and having someone witness what she is doing. I felt overwhelming love for her and what she has done and continues to do.
I just showered her with love and gratitude for the light she holds and anchors and for the honour of connecting with her. She reminded me in the meditation of all of the tree of life wall hangings I had seen around Bali and brought my attention to them once again that this is a reminder of her. At the end of the meditation when I was closing, she dropped one of her fruits directly on my crown and said ‘don’t take yourself so seriously’ which made me burst into laughter. When the meditation naturally came to a close, with the divine masculine standing watching and holding space, we then had a juice at the cafe as we took her and her energy in. We saw and noticed once again all the life around her and within her and pulled some more cards.

As we then went to leave and say goodbye to the man at the entrance I felt nudged to mention to him who this tree is. I said she is feminine, a woman, the womb. She is the tree of life. He then looked surprised and said, because you have said this, I feel you should do another meditation. At first, I said no I think we have done what we came here to do. He insisted we meditate again and this time in a different location. He lit two incense sticks and took us up into an area we had to climb into (I hadn’t wanted to climb her in respect) but we were divinely guided to.
The energy in this space was so intense, powerful and loving that it hit me as soon as I stepped foot into this area. I started crying tears of joy and recognition. I meditated there for a few minutes. Completely overwhelmed by the love and joy, and tears were streaming from my eyes. This was the womb, the void, the mother. This was the tree of life, the personification of the mother in tree form. I almost couldn’t take it all in. I then climbed back out and the man asked me if I was crying with happy or sad tears and I said happy, with so much love, I felt like a baby. Once again something I had said triggered him to guide me back into the area we were just in and he said if you feel like a baby you can be reborn if you wish and you must exit this way. There was a small hole which we had noticed earlier that lead out of the space we had been standing in. I said yes, I would like to be reborn. In the void/womb, I left my lower energies and negative karma and wished for the golden age of the Earth and my part in it. I wished to embody love in all its forms and I wished for the life Euan and I had been dreaming of this entire honeymoon.

I then moved out through the hole which was the birth canal and vagina. Head first I exited and Euan helped me with the last bit. I had realised that the reason I felt nudged to share my experience with the guardian of the tree, was that I was leaving without receiving our blessing! The entire experience was a privilege and honour. I felt so loved, so held and felt helpful in assisting this magnificent tree in her ongoing mission.
If you ever get the chance to visit Bali, please take the time to connect with this beautiful tree of life, you will not regret it.
