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Online or in person 1:1 Healing session 60 minute

1 h
65.55 UK pounds
Customer's Place

Service Description

Reiki is a form of energy healing which originated in Japan where 'universal life force energy' or Reiki is transferred through the hands of the practitioner to the client, in a combination of hands-on and hands-off treatment. This treatment facilitates the client to reach a relaxed state as we work to clear potential energetic blockages and recalibrate the chakra system, meridians, physical and etheric bodies, and aura. When we become stressed we are out of alignment which is not conducive of wholeness or wellbeing. This stress places us in a state of fight, flight or freeze in which or body shuts down or reduces any bodily function that is seen as not essential in that moment. This function is helpful when presented with an emergency situation but when we are exposed to prolonged stress it can contribute to Dis-ease within the physical and etheric bodies as well as the mind and spirit. Dis-ease is disharmony of the flow of energy through our chakra system and other energy pathways. Energy becomes blocked or stemmed which contributes to the process of being out of alignment and potential illness. Reiki is a great way to reach a relaxed and aligned state which allows space for the body to do what it does best, self regulate. Our bodies innately wish to be aligned, it is our mind and daily stresses that knock us off course. We often do not give ourselves the time or the space to relax and connect within. Online or in person. Includes: 60 minute treatment Verbal debrief/post-treatment discussion NB: Please allow up to 30 minutes post-session for potential discussion/debrief.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or resheduale please inform us at least 48 hours prior to your booking. Late cancellations will have a cancellation charge of £20. Please see terms & conditions for details.

Contact Details


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